Reclaiming the Ancient in a Modern World

By LynnAnn Huizingh

We live in a very interesting time.

There are deep divides and chasms in our society that are hard, if not impossible to span. The political environment seems ready to boil over and let’s not even get started on the religious environment. All of the chaos and turmoil may have you wanting to pull the blanket over your head and wait for a better time to emerge. Where do we find peace and the strength to go forward?


What if I told you the world scenario Jesus lived in was not too different from what we are experiencing now?


I want you to hear that Jesus gets it.

He understands life can be very challenging and sometimes we want to step out.


Jesus wanted to step out too. When the time came for His purpose to be fulfilled, we find Him in the Garden, praying deeply, asking the Father to let this assignment pass. He asked if there was any other way to accomplish the plan. The answer from the Father was…no. Jesus chose to move in obedience.


Over the next few months I will be introducing you to some practices Jesus used to stay connected to the Father. Those very same practices, or ways of living, can give us a solid center to live from.


You may not like to consider yourself aChristian. That’s okay. You might like to say you are spiritual. We welcome you! Maybe you aren’t even sure God is really there for anyone. No problem.


If you are curious and want to see what this might look like, check out our most recent video practice post:


I invite you to join The Outpost as we begin this journey Past the Narrow Gate. We would love to have you! As always, questions are welcome. Feel free to reach out through Coffee with a Guide. Toby and I look forward to meeting you in whatever way is most comfortable for you.