Beyond the Chaos: How Jesus Invites Us into a Life of Transformation

By LynnAnn Huizingh

The world we live in creates a polarizing environment that makes it hard enough to decide which side of the fence we want to be on. Politically on fire, economically divided, racially split—the list goes on. The church is often no help. We come away wondering if God is mad at or disappointed in who we are. Too many people are left emotionally and spiritually broken, believing there is no hope for them.

But what if I were to tell you Jesus came for everyone, even you? He isn’t mad or disappointed in you. Instead, He loves you and invites you to join Him in loving people in this crazy world. C.S. Lewis reminds us, 

“The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not.” 

This reality is the foundation of our faith— it’s unchanging, even when life is chaotic and confusing.

Maybe this is how we define that mysterious word “salvation.” It isn’t just a transaction or a prayer that secures our place in heaven someday. Salvation is a journey from belief, to practice, to life change. It’s an invitation to new life. Jesus is with us in the in-between, inviting us to begin the journey and staying by our side through every step.

If you feel emotionally exhausted or like life is pulling you in a million directions, you’re not alone. Many of us feel stretched thin, wondering if we’re enough or if we’ll ever find true peace. Jesus offers a place to rest, to breathe, and to feel whole again. This summer, I spent a good amount of time working in the garden. Life’s challenges were more than nipping at my heels; they seemed to be eating my whole foot! But in the garden, I could quiet my mind, be silent inside and out. And Jesus met me there. God's presence reminded me that the transformation  offered to us is gradual and continual, an ongoing work in our souls.

Dallas Willard speaks directly to this process: 

“The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it’s who you become. That’s what you will take into eternity.” 

Salvation is a lifelong journey of becoming, of letting go of what holds us back and embracing the fullness of life Jesus offers. It’s not just about “getting in” to heaven; it’s about living with purpose here and now, becoming more like Jesus along the way.

In the garden, He gave me phrases that illuminated the journey He’s leading me on:

  • Deep roots must be dug  out, or the weeds will come back.
  • Pruning allows more  light to reach the plant, making it more fruitful.
  • Dead wood has to be cut  out so that new growth can come.

Each phrase revealed a purpose in what I’m experiencing.Working through these things with Jesus is leading me to a new life—step by step, never alone.

It’s hard to hold onto faith when everything around us feels divided and chaotic. But Jesus isn’t here to add to the noise; He’s here to bring peace, to guide us through the storm with love and hope. We often think of salvation as one and done, a single moment. But what if salvation is the ongoing journey of becoming who we’re meant to be? What if Jesus saved us to share His love with others and live in away that brings life to those around us?

When life gets hard, and we feel alone, Jesus is there, inviting us into a life that is full, purposeful, and unconditionally loved. For those who feel distant from God or have lost faith in the church, there is still a place for you withJesus. He isn’t waiting for you to be ‘more religious’—He’s inviting you to come just as you are.

If you’re struggling with why you’re here or why life feels overwhelming, take a moment to reflect. Watch the video and try the practice shared here, a reminder of how deeply loved you are and how much your life counts. You might just begin to see Jesus right in front of you, inviting you into new life with Him.